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Subjects Outline of report of Program 35 of f.0. 7el


Commander Task Group 7.1
Objectives were to measure the amount and distribution of radloactive

materials in the fauna and flora on the islands and waters of the Pacific
Froving Grounds and adjacent areas.

Pre test surveys were conducted to determine the level of residual

“contamination from previous test programs.
2. Marine Survey:

During the period of June 11 to 21, 1956 a survey

operating on the U.S.S. Walton (D.E. 361) measured the radiation in
Plankton, water, and fish samples. Fifty three stations in the area


Yotwoon 1° to 14°W and 159°, to. 166°were covered during’tha’3300mile
cruisesa continuous recordof the radiation 4n the! surface waterwas
obtained|with a probe. .Flanktonsamples fron oblique tows’to'a depth

of 200 meters and vater samples from the surface, 25550, RED) and.
100 meters indicated radioactivity at each station

Highest radiation

readings 4n planktopesti¢ampherseanpheswere:‘from:‘stationsnnepthose..Biking Atoll.

Radiation decreased in amounts around ‘the edge of the

survey area.
- 3-

Algae have been collected on the reefs of Eniwetok and the level

of radiation, especially the short lived materials, as pH determined,

le Plankton sanples from the deep passage at Eniwetok were obtained.
‘on a three times a week schedule.

Such samples should be useful in

evaluating the drift of radioactive material from Bikini.


5e Foods of the native people of Wotho, Tarawa, Kusais, Ponape and
Ujelang were monitored.

Select target paragraph3