
They were included in the DOE-1982 booklet.
reference to Naen, Namen and Melu Islands.

Examples are on page 39 in


Question 12
The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory report did not calculate
separate doses for children and adults.
Question 13

The DOE-1982 booklet made no statement about Rongelap or any Marshall
Island being safe or unsafe.

Question 14


Not all radiation issues were addressed in the DOE-1982 booklet.
DOQE-1982 booklet did not address radiation doses already received by the

Marshallese nor the potential health effects that might result.
The authors of the DOE-1982 booklet were asked only to communicate the

results of the 1978 survey, which were reported in the Lawrence Livermore

National Laboratory Report, UCRL-52853 Pt 4, September 30, 1982.
Question 15





When the information in DOE-1982 booklet was presented to the Marshallese
government officials and representatives from the northern islands at
Majuro in December 1982, the representatives from Rongelap expressed
concern about past exposures to radiation.
I do not have information about what might have been done.
In the spring of 1983, DOE officials and scientists from Lawrence

Livermore National Laboratory and possibly others visited most of the
northern Marshall Islands to explain the DOE-1982 booklet. None of the
authors were able to participate.
I do not believe I have any documents, letters, memorandum or other

materials which address this matter.

uestion 16




I did not perform a detailed assessment of the Kohn Report. I commented
only on those points that dealt with the DOE-1982 booklet.
I do not believe Dr. Kohn understood the purpose of the DOE-1982 booklet.
His report purported to be a review of the DOE-1982 booklet when, in
fact, it appeared to be a review of the work of the Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory team and Report, UCRL-52853 Pt 4, September 30, 1982.
Copies of my letters to Dr. Kohn regarding his report are enclosed.

A copy of my September 10, 1988 letter to Dr Robison is enclosed.

Question 17

I am not aware of anything further that the Committee should know about

Rongelap Atoll, the people of that atoll], or the DOE-1982 booklet,
“Melelen Radiation Ilo Ailin ko Ituion Ilo Majol, ko Rar Etali Ilo 1978."

Select target paragraph3