220 Health Physics August 2010, Volume 99, Number 2 Table 1. Summary ofcollection dates of urine samples in 1954, sample size, and related information. Institution responsible for sampling Group sampled Group code* Date of collection (1954) Days post detonation LASL? Rongelap LA316R 16 March 15 LASL Rongelap LA317R 17 March 16 LASL LASL Unknown Unknown AEC-NYOO American military LA318A weather observers on Rongerik LA328J Japanese fishermen LA414J of Lucky Dragon Rongelap 17-9 35 (adults of 48 evacuated) 31. (adults from same group of 48 evacuees) (adults) Description of samples 24-h 24-h (HASL) Rongelap/PBM #22588 and personal notes of P.S.H. 24-h 19 March 18 15 (adults) #22588 and personal 24-h #22588 and personal 28 March 27 ~—-.2 (adults) Unknown volume, but assumed as 1 L d™! notes of P.S.H. *******5 and personal notes of P.S.H. 14 April 44 2 (adults) Unknown volume, but **#558 and personal assumed as 1 L d7! NY325R 25 March 24 29 adults‘ Unknown (HASL)* AEC-NYOO References #eTEESSS and personal notes of P.S.H. notes of P.S.H. Rongelap group on LA319S_ Sifo, Ailinginae Japanese fishermen of Lucky Dragon 18 March No. of subjects (age category) NY325RP 25 March 24 group® 13 adults‘ of 16 Unknown evacuees notes of P.S.H. #22588 and personal notes of P.S.H., also see footnote d #22588 and personal notes of P.S.H., also see footnote f and #*# AEC-NYOO (HASL) Rongelap group on NY325S 25 March 24 15 adults‘ of 18 Unknown Sifo, Ailinginae #22588 and personal notes of P.S.H., also see footnote f and #*# AEC-NYOO_ (HASL) AEC-NYOO_ Rongelap NY401R Rongelap NYS501R AEC-NYOO_ Rongelap NY60IR AEC-NYOO_ Rongelap NY90IR ~1 September NRDL Rongelap and American military weather observers NY403RA_ 3 April— 8 April NRDL Rongelap NR413R 13 April (HASL) (HASL) (HASL) 1 April 30s 31 adults Unknown ~15 May ~75 Unknown Unknown #eTEESSS and personal notes of P.S.H. Cronkite et al. (1956) ~1 June ~90 Unknown Unknown Cronkite et al. (1956) ~180 Unknown Unknown Cronkite et al. (1956) 33-38 43 26 total: 6 Americans (adults), 20 Marshallese (ages unknown) 27 total: Marshallese: 8 < 24-h Cronkite et al. (1956) 24-h Cronkite et al. (1956) 24-h 24-h 24-h 24-h Cronkite Cronkite Cronkite Cronkite 5 y®, 13 of 5-16 y, 41 >16 y', 25 NRDL NRDL NRDL NRDL Rongelap Rongelap Rongelap Rongelap NR416R NRSI5R NROOIR NR9OIR 16 April ~15 May ~1 June ~1 September 46 ~75 ~90 ~180 Americans (adults) Unknown! 10 > loy 10 > loy 68 total: Marshallese: 8 < et et et et al. al. al. al. (1956) (1956) (1956) (1956) 5 ys, 15 of 5-16 y', 45 > 16 y™ * Similar to the codes originally used by Harris: institution abbreviation (LA for LASL, NY for AEC-NYOO, NR for NRDL), month, day of month, group identifier: R (Rongelap), J (Japanese), A (Americans), S (Sifo, Ailinginae group from Rongelap). >Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (H Division). © Atomic Energy Commission-New York Operations Office (AEC-NYOO, renamed HASL,i.e., the Health and Safety Laboratory, 1953). * According to Woodwardet al. (1959), 141 samples were collected by NYOO from 24 March through 24 September and analyzed as 19 pooled samples (aggregated by age) though the reference does not provide a breakdown of number of samples collected on each specific day. * Marshallese group evacuated by seaplane, i.e., patrol bomber “Mariner” or PBM. "Eugene Cronkite to Merril Eisenbud, 4 April 1954, Declassified Memorandum. Same as footnote **. Available from: https:// www.osti.gov/opennet/servlets/purl/16366538-uKs8tj/16366538.pdf. Accessed 2 June 2010. © Seven from Rongelap, | from Ailinginae. " Eleven from Rongelap, 2 from Ailinginae. ' Thirty-one from Rongelap, 10 from Ailinginae. ! The numberof persons sampled on 13 April and 16 April cannot be discerned due to inadequate explanations in Cronkite etal. (1956). * Bight from Rongelap. ' Twelve from Rongelap, 3 from Ailinginae. ™ Thirty-three from Rongelap, 12 from Ailinginae.