Dr. Tadashi Miyake


December 8, 1970

furthering research in this field. As examples, it has been noted
there are interesting differences in incidence of diabetes, cataracts,
gout, hypertension, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and genetic abnormalities
in various populations, the incidences of some of these being particularly
high in the Marshallese people. Note in the report enclosed a number of
genetically inherited characteristics that we have already studied in the
I would expect close liaison between your physician and our group at

this Laboratory with the possibility of visiting our Laboratory for
discussions and planning of rescarch programs. On Rongelap we have
a laboratory which can be cquipped for limited types of research, In
the Marshall Islands at Ebeye and Majuro (within one or two hours by

plane service) are hospital medical centers where Marshallese medical
practitioners and at least two physicians (one from the United States,
one from New Zealand) are available for consultation and possible
research collaboration.
This correspondence must be considered as preliminary at this time
since 1 do not yet have authority to negotiate the hiring of a physician.
However, if we find an interested, qualified physician, I will attempt to
obtain such authorization from our Atomic Energy Commission which has a
great interest in this project.
I hope I have satisfactorily answered your questions and if I can furnish
any further information, please let me know. Looking forward to hearing
from you,
Most sincerely,

fekind O Corer—



Robert A, Conard, M. D.





Dr. E. P. Cronkite




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