a searchlight reflector, with the lighting element replaced with a photocell; (2) cathode
follower; (3) preamplifier, Hewelett-Packard Type 4SOa (not used in the airplane);

(4) cathode ray tube with associated amplifiers; two circuits were used, one set at a gain
of about 15 times the other in order to provide a wide latitude scale for recording the

varying-amplitude light pulses; (5) strip film camera for photographing both ‘scope faces;

and (6) associate equipment such as power supplies, communications radios, standard
light pulse generator for camera speed calibration frequency meter.
Figure 1, taken from Reference 3, is a block diagram of a typical remote static».
As during the Snapper tests, the time constanta of the Ivy equipment were set to give
maximum discriminatiur against background; so times to minimum, and hence yield calculations, from the Ivy data, are not applicable.

Mike time of detonation, as reported by reception of the electromagnetic signal by the

National Bureau of Standards (NBS) under Project 7.1, was 31 October at 1914: 59.204Z.
As stated above under OPERATIONS, the Johnaton Island and Kwajalein Island camera
runs were started by the AFSAL five-seconds-until-detonation signal at 1914: 59 Z.

Starting by stop-watch only 0.2 second before the actual detonation, it cannot be stated

whether or not the equipmmnt was operating at detonation time; in any case, there is no

indic&tion of a signal at either station.

The camera run on the airplane was started at

1914: 55 Z, so it is likely that the equipment was in operation at detonation time, but no


bomb trace can be located on the film.
As indicated above for King shot on 15 November 1952 at Kwajalein Island, the film
run was started at about 2330: 042, according to the AFSAL five-second-alert signal;
however, the shot actually went off at 2329: 59. 789Z as determined by the reception of the
electromagnetic signal.

It is apparent that the equipment was started too late.


Johnsto’ Island the run was commenced sometime between the scheduled minus-fivesecond carting time and the actual five-seconds-until-detonation signal which occurred
a>out four seconds after the half hour. It cannot be stated whether or not the equipment
was started before detonation time; there is no signal discernible on the record. The
bhangmeter equipmentin the C-47 plane was over Kwajalein at 12,000-foct altitude, and
waa stated by allowing for time-of-fall, about 55 seconds, after hearing the bombsaway broadcast signal. During this experiment, a signal from the bomb was recorded;
it is reproduced in Figure 2.

The absorption can be calculated from the signal amplitude on the trace shown in
Figure 2. The signal on 16-mm [lm was 0.016 film-inch on the low gain trace and off

scale on the high gain trace; the sensitivity ratio between the two is 18.5.

Equivalent signal

0.016 x 18.5 = 0.296 film-inch

Equivalent voltage
Photocell current

= 0.083 ua
current x cell sensiuvity

irradiance = soos cell x collector gain


= 0-083 ya x oto ia 5.28 om? “50
= 0.083 x 4.07 » watte/cm?
= 3374 watts/m?



sake £0 PLA READ


= 0.415 volts

Select target paragraph3