Protocol 1974


Personnel Monitoring:

Whole-body counts:

Page Seven

Stanton Cohn and

Mr. John Rothmann will carry out whole-body gamma spectrographic analyses
on personnel using a shadow shielded detector in an air-conditioned trailer
aboard the LCU which will be beached. A shower facility will be available
and the subjects to be counted will be clothed in paper pajamas. Mcasurcments will be made on the following cstimatcd numbers of people: at
Ucirik 30, Rongclap 80 and Bikini 40 workmen and a sample of Bikini people
if they have returned. 40K samples will be used to evaluate lean body
mass for the diabetic survey.
Radiochemical Urinalyses:

24-hr urines for radiochemical analysis

will be collected as follows:
samples may also be obtained.
for iodine excretion studies.

in Utirik 12, Rongelap 15, Bikini 20. pooled
Aliquots of these samples may also be used

A number of typical Marshallese diets will be obtained at

Rongelap and Utirik for radiochemical analyses.

(It is not expectec that

the Bikini diet will contain any native foods.) Aliquots of these diets
will also be tested for iodine and CHO etc. for the diabetic study,
Cocoanut crabs will be collected from various parts of Rongelap, Utirik

and Bikini atolls for analysis,
Drinking Water:

Samples will be collected at Bikini for radiochemical

Fruits: Cocoanuts, pandanus, arrowroot and other plants will be
collected for radiochemical analyses at Utirik, Rongelap and Bikini.
(Bikini samples will also be tested for Pu and Am.)
Samples will be tested for radionuclides at all three atolls
and at Bikini also for Pu and Am.

Gamma Radiation Levels:

A survey of Bikini Island for radiation

levels will be an important part of the survey there.

Levels at Rongelap

and Ucirik will also be checked including some of the northerislands of

It is anticipated that a member of the Health Physics Department at

BNL and someone from the University of Washington School of Fisherics will
be designated to assist in the radiological surveys.
Searting Fisca! 1975
it is expected the environmental radiation surveys will be directed by

Mr. Gharles Meinhold of the Wealth Physics Department ac BNL. Onc objective
is closer coordination with the medical surveys.
It is hoped that the

Washington personnel who have contributed so much in the pase will

continue to participate.

Select target paragraph3