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from Bikini”in August of 1978 are currently being monitored
.-.by scientists from Brookhaven Laboratories, but many more
people were on Bikini between 1970 and 1978 who left before


August of 1978; these people also require medical monitoring.
_ Second, there must be periodic comprehensive radiological
surveys of Bikini Atoll and updated ration dose assessments.
‘“ These two actions will be implemented pursuant to Public
Law No. 96-205.
Third, there must be a continuing food support program for the people living on Kili.
improved education program on Kili.

Fourth, there must be an
Very few Bikini children

have learned English and the other skills necessary to attend
public high school in the Marshalls.

The assignment of two

American elementary school teachers to Kili would greatly help
the Bikini children to overcome these educational deficiencies.


Fifth, all use rights in the land and lagoon of
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Bikini Atoll should be conveyed to the people of Bikini.
Sixth, the people of Bikini must receive cmnpensation
--- .-.
from he United States for (a) the complete destruction


and disappearance of islands as a result of the 1954 “Bravo”
test, (b) the


of the use of Eneu Island between 1946 and

the commencement of the proposed resettlement program, (c)
the indefinite loss of the use of Bikini and other islands in
the ato~$ since 1946, (d) the 10SS of revenue fr~m the coPra


crop on Bikini Atoll, (e) injmies’ suffered by PeoPle who lived

Select target paragraph3