-7be a great help in your health care.


Knudsen is going to have to

return to the United States for a year beginning next fall. We hope to
have another doctor to replace him by that time who will continue to
visit Rongelap and Utirik." (End of remarks).
Following this there were very few questions for discussion from the
Several people got up and thanked the medical team for all they
had done for the people in the past.

The only man to refuse examination

got up and said he was sorry that he was not examined and now that we were

willing to give him food, he would certainly be examined next year.
meeting broke up in a very friendly attitude - the people shaking hands with

all members of the medical team.

I cannot help but feel that we did some

good in correcting some of the misunderstandings that had existed.
However, I believe that the Educational Booklets and the summaries from the
Congress of the Micronesia will do a great deal to help the situation.

I would Like to see Senator Borja's speech of last year translated into
Marshallese and presented to the people also.
I believe we must have
more positive support from the Congress of Micronesia.

Robert A.

Conard, M.D.

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