Project 11.2 - CLOUD SAMPLING

(H. Plank)

Because of gear trouble and accidental decompression
the RB-36 sampling control aircraft was replaced by the backup control B-36 with back-up control personnel.

The back-up

arrived in the shot area at approximately H+15 minutes with a

clear view of the cloud lying above a solid cirrus layer, the
top of which lay between 37 and 38 thousand feet.

In addition

to an opportunity to use the back-up control system, this shot
also afforded the chance to try an emergency recovery of an

F84G sample from the Bikini airstrip.

Although restricted from very high altitudes by the
presence of the back-up control personnel, the secondary con-

trol B-36 (comprised by one of the high altitude B-36's)
collected a sample at 45,000 feet after completing its control

Blue Flight was prevented from collecting samples

because of mechanical aircraft difficulties in one plane of
each element.

The number of fissionscollected by each air-

craft is shown in Table 11.2-1.|;


’ | Although the number of fissions collected is about

a factor of ten less than in previous shots on Castle, fractionwise the present samples are similar.

The high altitude B-36,

Select target paragraph3