404 538 jurapetteer— United States Departmentof the Interior OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20240 Mr. Ronald G. Bakal Attorney At Law JAN ° S 1978 8447 Wilshire Boulevar Suite 409 . Beverly Hills, California oo 90211 “Dear Mr. Bakal: This is in reference to your letter of December 8, 1977, with respect to the periodic medical surveys carried out on the people of Uterik by the Brookhaven National Laboratory medical teams under the supervision of the Department of Energy. I have noted your comments on the Department of Energy medical survey program and the role of the Brookhaven National Laboratory group. As Director Ruth Van Cleve of the Office of Territorial Affairs said to you in her letter of November 1, 1977, the Brookhaven National Laboratory team mast be the ones to comment on your statements. Possibly when you wrote me you had not received Dr. R. Conard's letter of November 11, 1977, to you which dealt specifically with these statements. Dr. Conard has supplied cur Department with a copy of his reply to you including a copy of the letter of October 15, 1977, to him frem the people of Uterik Atoll expressing their deep appreciation to Dr. Conard for the work he has done in the past for them. This letter frem the Uterik Council also states that the objection to being examined by Dr. Knudsen, the medical representative of the Department of Energy who is stationed at Kwajalein for the express purpose of medical follow-ups of the fallout groups, has been withdrawn. The complaints appear to be academic in any event since I am informed that Dr. Knudsen's assignment expired on January 1, 1978. His replacement, Dr. William Grant, will take over the field program. AlI agencies concerned, the Department of the Interior, the Department of Energy, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Administration, are deeply concerned with the problem of the people of Rongelap and Uterik and will ensure that the medical surveys are carried out in the best manner possible. You may be sure that this Department keeps a careful watch on the program. Sincerely, . een 2 S GILESma S$ 3 COS. 7g 491° _— (Sgd) James &. Josepn Undeg SECRETARY 7 aay , de: yee EABES ? Oe a7 /