
John 4. Derry



September 11, 1950

from the AEC and AEC contractor organizations will attend the symposium.
The acenda for this conference lists papers to be presented by outstanding authorities, among whom is Dr. Yeorge V, Taplan, of the Atomic snersy
Froject at the University of California at bos Angeles, the developer of
one type of chemical dosimeter.
Civilian Defense

A meetins was held with ‘ir. Vincent B, Lamoureux of the NSRB to discuss

the many letters “hich the Nadiation Instruments Branch is receiving
concerning instrumentation for civilian defense purposes, Our present
volicy in answering these letters was discussed and was considered to
be adequate. However, in some cases it was decided to refer the letters
directly to the WSRS for reply when the questions pertain to material
outside the jurisdiction of the AEC.

The civilian defense monitorinz instrument developed by the New York
Operations Office was tested at the Bureau of Standards for energy dependency and at rort sionmouth, New Jersey for ruggedness and climatic
dependency. «although only incomplete tests data are available, the

instrument avpears to be quite adequate with regard to energy dependency
and ruggedness.

Special Zlectron Tube Development Program

The Steering Committee of the Atomic Energy Commission's Speciai Tube

Devalopnent Program met in Princeton, New Jersey on August 41 and Sep-

tember 1 for the vurpose of formulating a program of research and dev-

elopment to be conducted by the Research Laboratories of the Radio Corp-

oration of -imerica under AEC contract.

Bureau of Ships representatives

attended a portion of the sonference and a orogram of information ex-

change and contract coordination was evolved. A decision was made that
the research activities should center around the development of two types

of new ghotomultiplier tubes -- one, a large cathode area device for use
as a samma spectrometer, and the other a high gain fast tube for general
use in the analisis of nuclear radiations.
It was also decided to in-

vestigate the feasibility of a tube for application as a pulse height

Murine the meeting it became anparent that there is need within the AEC
for a panel to coordinate the research and development of electron tubes
ia general.
It was recommended that this group be similar in nature and

function to the Panel on Slectron Tubes under the Research and Vevelop-

ment Board of the Ni.
The Instruments Branch was asked to investigate
the reactions to this suzgestion and the feasibility of establishing such
a Zroud.


Select target paragraph3