exploration and study.

The first of these, indicatad by the star, was

the Central Nevada Test Site located abourc 90 miles north of the present Nevada Test Site.

Our studies at that tine appeared to have

ground water and


ficant logistical problems.


It had no


Because of the area's proximity to Salt Lake

City which is about 250 miles, also about the same distance to Las Vegas,
it was felt that this site may not be adequate

for the very highest yield

which we may be required to execute.

The next site is the Island of Amchitka,

located 1400 miles to the nearest

largest population center, Anchorage, about 200 miles to the nearest
permanent settlement,

that is Adak.

Studies show apparently quite

suitable geological and ground water characteristics.
at this site.

Let's take a look

The Island is about 35 miles long and we undertook an

investigation of several drilled sites.

Our original plan was to be able

to tire at one end of the Island with the Control Point located at the
extreme end of the Island.

For example, it might be possible to locat® the

CP near the warehouse and base camp area and fire at drill Site H and
finally at the conclusion of the series we might locate our Control Point
at the northwest camp and actually emplace at drill Site A which probably
have a severe effect on support construction.

Noting the map,

it's very

clear that we have explored the Island to depth and in particular with each
emplacement hole that has been an exploratory hole to define very carefully

for us the geology and hydrology.
were Locations like Australia,

Our third alternative under conditions,

Christmas Island were denied to us, was the

North Slope of the Brooks Range and the northern part of Alaska located abcut
wrere my finger is.


this area on two different occasions ard

Select target paragraph3