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is primarily the responsibility of the laboratories, although \vOO
has supported this effort.

Next, let's take a quick lock at the organizations primarily responsible
for test planning and the safe conduct of nuclear weapons tests.


zrammatic direction is provided the Nevada Operations Office by the
Assistant General Manager for Military Application,

this is General Giller,

This guidance is implemented by the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory,
Lawrence Radiation Laboratory and Sandia Laboratory.

The Nevada Operations

Office provides the logistical, operations and safety support to these

The technical program is diagnostics and the requirements to

support the program is the responsbility of the laboratories.


satisfies these requirements within the limits of policies established
by our Headquarters, Standard Operating Procedures, and the funding

limitation, of course, imposed by higher authority.

We'll discuss opera-

tional safety later.

The current testing areas, of course,
Test Site.

primarily involved if the Nevada

This is a schematic of the Nevada Test Site.

It consist of

about 1500 square miles of real estate and is divided into operating areas
for nuclear testing,

logistical support area, and the nuclear reactor

development test station.

The green area consisting of about 700 sauare

niles is wherdnost of the underground testing is conducted,

The red

area to the right is Pakute Mesa where tests of about 1 mt have been conducted
and where somewhat higher tests are planned for next calendar year.


blue area is not suitable for normal underground tests but has been used for
cratering experiments in hard rock.

This has been primarily in support of

the Plowshare Program or the Isthmian Canal studies.







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