


intake when no food products are available for onalysis. This approach was
used {n the Enewetak survey because of the paucity of food spectes on the


This program slong with the ground water program will supply the data
base for assess tng the long term dose committment via food chains upon
-rehabitstion of t e¢ etoll and {ncluston of coconut, pandanus fruit, bread~
fruit, bananas and papayas in the diet.

Bikint Air Sampling Program
The concentrations of radionuclides in air at the Bikini Atol}
tre expected to be very low, therefore, the sir sempling program is designed
to emphasf{ze the determingtion of the mass Toading (concentration of total
suspended particulates) on the islands of Bikint and Eneu. The mass loading
approach hes been used in the pest to predict the Jong term expected con-

centration in air of radionuclides (partiqlerly 233pu) by use of the relation.


(**) soli * (2258) air (23) air
This relationship assumes that a1] of the suspended particulate matter in
sir {is derf{ved from the soil surface and that the aversge mass loading of the

stmosphere 1s 100 yg/m3.

Both eSsumptions are believed to be conservative

for sms1) Pacific islands és perhaps & large part of the total suspended
forticulates may be derived from the ocean, and it fs likely that actual

£588 loadings are tower than 160 yo/m3 on these small iglands.

To our

Knowledge, hovever, such mass loading measurements have never been made.
The sir sampling program is designed to achieve the following objectives:
‘J. - Measure the datly mass loading with associated wind velocity





‘casure the concentrétion in air averaged over the total sampling

poriod of al} gauma-emitting radionuclides, 90Sr, 239py, and 247Am.

3. Determine the distribution of these radionuctides and mass with


particle size.


Deterinine the pCi/a of tote) suspended particulates, so thet this
concentration mey be conpared to that of the sof).

Bethods and Messurcaents:

The exsct details of how this will be accomplished sre not definitive
ét the present time because the availability of spmpler housings and
oenerstors 4s not precisely known, However, both the minimum program and
probeble maximum program can be fornwiated. Two types of samplers will be

used, 20 cfu cascade inpactors and 60 cfm high-volume samplers. The cascade
finpsctors will be operated continuously during the course of the study without

- Le









PIETY, - 2 POR eT St .


Select target paragraph3