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steel tie rods with a turnbuckle at one end. The tie rods will be located
approximately 11-ft. above the waterline and attached to the inside flange.
The screen will be supported by two steel cables attached to the center of
the trusses, between each bent. The cables will extend the full length of
each bay.
The screen system which will be aluminum, #3 mesh, wire size 0. 625-in.

with clear openings of 0.27 x 0.27-in. will be attached, by wire stitching,
to the two steel cables. The full height of the screen will be approximately
21 1/2-ft.; however, the lower 1 1/2-ft. of the screen will be below MLLW.

The lower half of the screen will be fabricated and hinged to allow the screen
to move with the ocean currents. All screen joints and openings will be over-

lapped with screen to eliminate any penetration in the screen system. In the
last four shoreward bays the bottom of the screen will be field adjusted to
conform with the sloping contour of the shallow lagoon bottom and shore.
Subsequent to the issuance of the original criteria, it was concluded that

there was a possibility of some radar beam leakage below the screen in

the last four shoreward bays. To provide adequate shielding a ''baffle"'
screen will be erected parallel to the main screen in the last four bays.

This "baffle'' screen will be 21l-in. high and will be suspended from 1/4-

in. steel cable attached to 3-in. diameter pipe supports spaced 9-ft. on
center and embedded a minimum of 4-ft. The screen material will be the
same as the main screen and similarly attached to the support cables.
The ''baffle'' screen will overlap the main screen a minimum of lé-in. in
the vertical direction.




Aprit ies

Select target paragraph3