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Remaining items.

CONSTRUCTION The following facilities will be required on each of the
two scientific platforms:
Subtask A609 This project will require an 8 x 40 x 12-ft. high TC furnished instrument van on each platform. The total weight of the van will be
20,000 pounds. From points two feet above the roof of the van, an unob-

structed line-of-sight above the horizon will be required 30° to each side
of magnetic north and south. In the remaining 240° of azimuth, a line-ofsight will be required from zenith to within 5° of the horizon.

Each van will require 17 kw of 120/208 volt (45%), 60 cycle, 3 phase electrical power.
Subtask A804

A contractor furnished 10-ft. diameter astrodome witha

motor driven door will be placed on a 2-ft. raised concrete pad on each

Five kw,

120 volt, 60 cycle, 3 phase power will be required.

Subtask A963 A TC furnished 50-ft. triangular, self-supporting antenna
will be erected on a reinforced concrete pedestal. The pedestal base will
be poured in place on coral heads several feet below the water surface.
The top of the pedestal or base of the towers will be 12-ft. above MLLW.
One antenna will be located SW of the West Scientific Platform, Site 125,
and the other located south of the East Scientific Platform, Site 124. Obstruction lights on both antennas will be provided by the contractor.
Subtask A915 A 3 x 3-ft. concrete photo pad will be provided on the east
platform. Two similar pads will be provided on Johnston Island; one will
be located near the west wharf (91-3-117) and the other will be south of
the new POL area (91-3-118). A telephone jack and 1 kw power at 110
volts, single phase will be required at each pad.
In addition to the facilities provided for each project, a contractor furni-

shed personnel trailer will be located on each platform.

It will provide

latrine and shower facilities and emergency sleeping quarters for eight
men. A 4200 gallon capacity galvanized fresh water storage tank, on each
platform, will provide water through a package-type hydropneumatic supply system.


April 1909



Select target paragraph3