oe OO a ~~ RAM — ELEGOING /—_TOUTG : ; as oO oe To 11 se oe - Department of Ste ne C "INDICATE, [ cousct ’ UNIQUE DOCUMENT iSacoupaliie SENT TO:, Arh & { 9 { 52 pest ¢ _ AMEMBASSY TOKYO (PRIORITY) 408057 26 Ongia FE: Reference Department's 2870. - . g. 1, You are hereby authorized negotiate but not (repeat not) oo CAE sign agreement with Japan in settlemnt all Jepanese claims arising t US 195) muclear test series, SMSA favorable terms obtainable, and should not in any case exceed one CIA million US dollars, FOA OCL Settlement should be ex gratia, on most 2. For yous informtion enly, President on Jum 29 determined ne more than one million dollars ef MSP funds may be wed pursuant Section 513(b) for this purpose. Because of technicalities connected end USYY cannot at present authorize you sign agreenent but expect be i: | able do 30 near future. | Pre Sar 30 Department airpouchingtextproposed; eetnee ae dit’Teoma exchange, moot yt me, Padawes ropa Psatco ei ime HOPS] | Mi eres PLes 9/96 aSsiiasi 19 fue SEGRELART s/k SUL © ; BEST cory AVAILABLE - ir. Wecins SAE ~- Ur, Homilton ©"FA a~ Miss Kirlin ~ Mr. Goodyear - ee Teer tn SeenoconnGact Mr. Parelman a 2022 05 Cad 2 A aergyTRAN ges gue gp ow '- REPRODUCTION FROM THIS COPY, IF CLASSIFIED, IS PROHIBI} <9. . + v.- “|