ae crwePac Serial. 020, d¢ ated 31 Apes 1952, outlines the require~
ments ‘for entrange to ENTWEOR APCs
b All persons, who are authorised to enter the ENIWETOK aTOLL |
area will be initially cleared for entry under the provisions of CINCPAC

Serial 020 as directed og CJIF 7 Operations Order aad (Interim Phase
Gperations Order )»


CIG 702 is responsible that individuals arriving at" ENIWETOR

ATOLL, who have not been cleared for entry under CINCPaC Serial 020, or reentry as provided in parngreph 6b, above, are restricted to ENI'ETO Island

and unclassified information pending proper clearance alsoe

de Movements of surface vessels and aircraft within the ENIWETOK
ATOLL Closed drea will be monitored by CTG 7e2, who will be responsible for
the seourity control of personnel and cargo on vessels and aircroeft originally

arriving at ENIWETOK ATCLL and any further arrivals that may be occasioned
by inter-atoll travel alsce


a Unless authorized by specific orders to individuals, possession
of items of material listed below in the ENIYETOK Area is prohibited and
the itmes considered contraband,

(1) All photographic equipment.

4211 equipment designed for use in either visual or
electrical communications,

(3) All optical equipment sueh as bincculers and telescopes. .

(4) all naterials with explosive capabiliticss
- (6)

All weapons except ordinary pocket and sheath knives.
All druge and narcotics.


-. . De Travel orders for all personnel destined for ENIVETOK sTOLL
Closed Area will include the following statement:
"Unless specifically authorised, personnel will not have in

their possession any items of material to include all photographic equip=
ment, 211 equipment adaptable for either visual or electrical come

minicntions, all optical equipment, all material with explosive capabilities, weapons, and o11 drugs, and uprcotics.” ~~
ce Itens of contraband will be confiscated and a report of the
circumstances made to CJIF SEVEN,

Film foundin possession of unauthorized perions will be con=

.fiscated, processed, reviewed for

to Corr SEVEN,


classification and a report will be made

Be FROTOGRAPHT: Only official photogrephy is authorized in the
ENIWETOR operational area. .4s directed by JTF SEVEN Operation Order No.


Select target paragraph3