The Honorable William R. Norwood


November 8, 1968

opacities of the lens may participate. Also from Brookhaven National
Laboratory Dr. Demoise, Messrs. Bill Scott, Doug Clareus and Mike Makar
are participating.
Schedule, A separate suggested tentative schedule is attached.
the proposed time of the survey is not satisfactory it would be appreciated
if I were notified as early as possible since some of our participating
personnel must make plans well in advance in order to arrange busy schedules.
It would not seem necessary for the Trust Territory ship to remain
at Rongelap for the 11-12 days of the survey but could leave, returning
at the end of the survey to take the team to Utirik. It is requested
however that the ship be allowed to remain at Utirik during the 4 days
of the survey since we would probably wish to live on the ship.
Arrangements have been made to collect 25 urine samples from Bikini
people on Kili as a base line check on their body burdens of radioactive
.elements. On completion of the Majuro part of the examinations it would
be desirable to have the ship stop at Kili in order that these samples
might be collected and I might: have an opportunity to explain to the
people what we are doing.
We are most grateful for the fine spirit of cooperation and coordination
on the part of the Trust Territory in carrying out these surveys.
Most sincerely,

Robert A. Conard, M.D.
RAC: jr

Dr. W. Peck

Mr. D. Heine

Dr. J. Taman

Mrs. Ruth Van Cleve
Trust Territory Liaison Officer - Kwaj.

AEC Honolulu ,~

DBM, AEC Washington
Dr V. P. Bond

Dr. E. P. Cronkite
Mr. Frank Granich, Kwaj.
Participating Members of the Team

Select target paragraph3