-8 levels were estimated by conducting an aerial survey which was a technique

not yet developed to its present reliable state.

Also, as has been men-

tioned, at the time of BRAVO shot there was not indisputable proof that
land surface bursts of high yield would produce such a heavy fallout at
distances of a hundred miles and more, thus adding to suspicion of the
initial aerial survey reports.

Also, the energy yield of the detonation

was twice that anticipated.®Despite the best laid plans there always can be some element of risk
and hardship in taking action under emergency conditions.

However, the

decision to conduct the first evacuation from Rongelap and Sifo Islands was
easier than the second from Utirik, for here there were many more inhabitants who would be subjected to potential risk and hardship.

Also, their

maximum estimated lifetime radiation dose was 60 rads - an amount then
equivalent to the maximum permissible over only a five-year period for
atomic energy workers.

Later, when these matters were discussed in the

United Nations Trusteeship Council it was a favorable point to show that
evacuation had been ordered,

But suppose there had been unfortunate acci-

dents during the evacuation - perhaps deaths,

evacuate have been judged as wise?

Would the decision to


There was not, however, a single casualty or injury during any of

the evacuations.

The well-laid safety plans and their efficient implemen-

tation paid rich dividends,

But it should be pointed out quickly that

these factors were abetted by two conditions (a) there were abundant

Select target paragraph3