The Effects of Nuclear Weapons.

Superintendent of Documents, U. S.

Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.

April 1962.


Revised edition

Radioactive Contamination of Certain Areas in the Pacific Ocean from
Nuclear Tests. Dunning, G. M. Superintendent of Documents, U. S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20401. August 1957.
Some Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Human Beings. Cronkite, E. P.,
Bond, V. P. and Dunham, C. L., editors, Superintendent of Documents,
U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20401. July 195€
Medical Surveyof the People of Rongelap and Utirik Islands Eleven and

Twelve Years After Exposure to Fallout Radiation (March 1965 and Marct
1966.) BNL 50029 (T-446). Conard, Robert A. et al. Brookhaven Natic
Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973. April 1967 and previous annual

Research in the Effects and Influences on the Nuclear Bomb Test

Explosions II.

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.


Press statement by Lewis L. Strauss, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commissiotr
March 31, 1954.

"Fallout From Nuclear Tests at the Nevada Test Site,"

TID 5551.

Dunning, G. M. Presented at the Hearings on Fallout Before the Joint
Committee on Atomic Energy, May 1959.

Background Material for the Development of Radiation Protection Standa1
Federal Radiation Council, Report No. 5, September 1961.

Utah's Experience with Radioactive Milk, A Joint Report of the Salt
Lake City Department of Health and the Utah State Department of Healtt
prepared by Utah State Department of Health with the assistance of the
Salt Lake City Health Department and the U. S. Public Health Service,
October 1, 1962.


Press release by the U. S. Department ot Health, Education, and Welfar
Public Health Service, August 17, 1962.


Letter from the Federal Radiation Council to Joint Committee on Atomic

Energy, dated August 29, 1962 and released on September 1, 1962 by
the JCAE,.

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