- 13 persons who were taken to one of the surrounding communities of their
choosing, like Las Vegas, on the day before a detonation.

They were pi

a stipend by the day and were returned to their homesites as soon as
cleared by radiological safety officers,
The trajectory of the air mass containing the radioactive debris |
south of Groom Mine, moved in an east-northeasterly direction, and cro
Highway 93, south of Alamo ~- all about as predicted.

The monitoring d

suggested that the pattern was somewhat farther south than predicted,
not disturbingly so.

Beyond Highway 93 and in the Line of the traject

lay uninhabited country for many miles,

Everything looked in good sha

The monitors at the St. George roadblock (actually at the junctio
Highways 91 and 18 to the west of St. George) noted that at 0845 the b
ground levels were increasing.

By 0910 the levels had risen to 320 mr

hour and a quick check of an automatic background recorder at nearby D
College showed about the same reading.

It was determined later, howev

that the instruments had been contaminated by the fallout,

When anoth

nearby mobile team brought in clean instruments and a correction facto
applied, the value was 220 mr per house.


Not relying solely on radio communications, Mr. Fiank A. Butrico
Public Health Service and head of the monitoring team had wisely calle
Control Point at the Nevada Test Site by long distance telephone and +
keeping Dr. Jack Clark of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and me
formed of the situation as it developed.

As the radiation levels rose

Select target paragraph3