may have somedegree of growth retardation, also
show evidence of hypofunctioning glandsor glands
that are functioning at maximu!
ipacity, based
on results of thyroid function
dies (elevated

serum TSH levels or little or no response in '*-I
uptake following 3H stimulation). Oneof these

(No. 65) had a low serum thyroxine level. The

adults with thyroid nodules (Nos. 59 and 64) and

two of the children (Nos. 42 and 61) had normal
responses to TSH. Several of the studies listed in

Table 20 were performed after subtotal thyroid-

ectomy (Nos. 17, 21, 69, 2, and 20). The results

indicate inadequate function of the thyroid rem-

nant, even in Nos. 17, 21, and 69, who had been

operated upon in June 1964 and had nothyroxine

replacement before September 1965 The serum

Figure 27. Thyroid uptake study
with ''"I, Rongelap Island.

iodoprotein levels (PBI less 7, I) ranged from 1.5

to 2.9 and did notdiffer significantly from values
in unexposed Marshallese.

Figure 28. Wrist x rays showing marked retardation of skeletal maturation in dwarfed boy with
hypothyrodism (right, subject No. 3, chronological age 10%2 yr) compared with younger brother
with normalosseous development(left, subject No. 83, chronological age 8%2 yr).

Select target paragraph3