rate constant (K,=0) was used for Zn, the dose equivalent rate for the average
adult was in excess of Federal Radiation Council Guidelines for the first 2

years following the return to Utirik.




Internal Dose Equivalents
Disintegrations occurring in the total body of an individual during residence following repatriation were determined by several methods.

Equation (3),

together with personal body-burden histories and atoll-specific dietary rate con-

stants from Table 3, provided an initial estimate of disintegrations between consécutive body-burden measurements.

The *gcond method used was a log-log plot of

the subject's body-burden history and an algebraic determination of area between
two consecutive measured points.
subject's body-burden history.

The third method used a linear plot of the
The area under the curve was cut and weighed and

compared to a standard weight of known area.

Quality control procedures

required that all three methods agree within 10% before a subject was assigned
his or her total body disintegrations during residence post-return.

In general,

the methods compared to within +5%.,
After the total number of disintegrations occurring in a subject's body
were assigned, they were apportioned among the body organs according to the following equation


. £52 5A,B. (ARE. D. + In2/A)
ECD. (2 A.B, + In2A)




= the fraction of total body disintegrations occurring in the organ of


= organ compartment deposition fraction for the element,


Select target paragraph3