


A fundamental radiation protection assumption, and this is
very conservative and theoritical, is that every amount
of radiation exposure, no matter how small, carries with it
some chance of effect or injury, however small.

If one

demands that potential risks of injury from radiation
exposure be zero, then radiation exposures must be zero.
The radiation standards themselves are not a dividing line
between absolute safety and danger.

The standards for

protecting the public are exposure levels set sufficiently
low 'that associated risks would be found acceptable, by
an informed society, when viewed along side expected

NCRP 39.

Risks of radiation exposure at levels

within the standards are much less than other risks
accepted in normal every day life.
We would be pleased to arrange an introductory briefing
on the principles of radiation protection discussed here.
We recommend such a briefing before the next Court appearance.
The AEC/ERDA effort has been to find a way to keep exposures
of Bikini Atoll

residents within the standards using feasible

and practicable remedial measures.
already been recommended.

These measures have

Short of removal and replacement

of the land, which is not a feasible action, externaDOE ARCHD
radiation exposures for residents living in the new houses

on Bikini Istand will be a significant portion of the annual

Enclosure 1

Select target paragraph3