
of U.S. government


the Bikini

requested the U.S. government fund the participation



of an independent

scientist to review and interpret the most recent radiological


The Memorandum Agreement of October 27, 1978, which settled the litigation
in People of Bikini v. Seamans, et

al., Civ. No. 75-348 (D-Ha) provides that

the people of Bikini may select a qualified

scientist having generally

accepted scientific training and experience

to participate

analysis of survey results.”

in the process of

(see Appendix A).

In 1980 the Department of Energy released a bilingual report in
English and Marshallese entitled,

“The Meaning of Radiation

The report described what radiation

is, how the radioactive

at Bikini Atoll.”l
fallout occurred

and spread as a result of the nuclear tests, and the nature and kinds of

in the Bikini environment

of that time.

Some of the delayed

health effects of ionizing radiation were discussed with particular emphasis
on cancer and birth defects.

If parts of the Bikini Atoll were resettled,

the largest potential dose that an individual

Select target paragraph3