

of Energy


March 31, 1981

Mr. Jonathan M. Ueisgall
Ginsburg, Feldman, Well and Bress
1700 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.U.
Washington, D.C. 20006


Me are in receipt ofyour letter of February 26, 1981, in which you
propose a revised course of action relative to your letter of
November 24, 1980, in regard to paragraph 10 of the Memorandum Agreement of October 27, 1978, settling the litigation in People of Bikini v.
$eamans, et. al ., Civ. No. 75-348 (D-Ha.).
lienote that the Bikini Council finds Dr. Jacob 1, Fabrikant to be
unacceptable because of hls present affiliations. However, in view of
the personnel and competence available to Epidemiology Resources, Inc.
(ERI), the Department of Energy finds ERI to be acceptable as “.. having
generally accepted scientific training and experience. ..” to review the
results of the radiological survey of Bikini Atoll.
Several points in my letter to you of January 22, 1981, need to be
reiterated, however. Firstly, the Agreement speaks to “a qualified
scientist,” and, while we have indicated
a willingness to consider the
participation of two scientists because of the multi-disciplinary nature
of the material to be reviewed, we feel that a stngle person must be the
resp~nsible agent. Furthermore, while the Department of Energy is wi11Ing to consider the participation of two scientists, your letter speaks
to the involvement of three people; this goes somewhat beyond the terms
of the Agreement and of our previous discussions. Such an expansion of
the “independent scientist” will need to be the subject of further
should agreement between ERI and the Department of Energy
ultimately be reached, It must be clearly recognized and formally
acknowledged by the Bikini people that this constitutes full and complete
compliance by the Department of Energy in fulfilling its sole outstanding
obligat~on under the Agreement.



Select target paragraph3