AEC (s7F-8) procedures will be utilized by the projectManager in pro~
and. Bocounting tor these DOD/AEC fundsfor payment of the ‘AEC
t Ct Raa

contractor, and‘to defray transportation, military travel,per diem, and
other associated costs attributable to the task and not included under |
payments to the contractor,

It is expected that the same procedures

will be followed in respect to the $700 ,0G0 expected to be forthcoming

in FY 70 from the Department of Interior.
5. The“ARC contractor will provide planning, engineering and
oe es


technical‘staff support and labor for cleanup as well as camp support

‘ operations and other tasks as determined by the Project Manager,


for matters pertaining to contract administration, CJTF<8 will exercise ;

operational control over the contractor.

Contract administration will

be performed by the AEC Honolulu area office,


The AEC will be responsible for determining that radiological

health and safety requirements are met at the completion of this project,
These requirements, as developed in praject plans, will be subject to

Select target paragraph3