
Commissioner Ramey:

Attached for -your information is a ‘copy of ‘the ‘memorandum of.
understanding on the Bikini cleanup which I consumated.with.,.
‘Vice Admiral Lloyd M.~“Mustin, USN, Director,. DASA; on”
February 11, 1969. This paper represents the coordinated
efforts of the AEC staf, and inputs received from NV.
The AEC will be responsible for the radiological health and
safety aspects of the cleanup. In this respect, NV will
- Manage this portion of the project. This will include’
determining that radiological health and safety.requirements.
are met at the completion of the cleanup.

_ Assistant General ‘Manager...
- for Military Application
Memorandum of Understanding

When separated from rASeiceh this document
(Insert proper classification)

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