
Civilian Application

(pp. 24-25)

Mr. Price briefly reviewed the status of the Commonwealth
Edison and the Consolidated Edison applications for power reactor
construction permits.

He also said that the construction schedule

for the Ford Company's proposed educational demcnstration reactor

has been delayed several months.
Mr. Libby requested that information on the isotope program
be included in future monthly reports.

g. Research (pp. 26-32)

Jobnson reported on the progress cf anti-proton

experiments based on Mr. Teller's theory, and then gave a brief
review of other research matters.

Mr. Libby remarked that dis-

evvrery of the anti-proton and Mr. Teller's resulting theov:, «bich
could lead to better understanding of nuclear forces, demonstra*ed
the desirability of a vigorous accelerator prog.-an.
Mr. Johnson mentioned the arrangements for the attendance
of ten or twelve scientists at conferences in U.S.5.R. and
briefly reported on the Rochester Conference on high energy



Biology and Medicine

(pp. 32-38)

Dr. Dunham briefly reviewed the medical re-survey of the
health status of the Rongelap natives and said no medical conditions
related to radiation effects had been observed.

He added that a

study of cataracts is being made, although it is not expected there

will be any resulting from radiation.

He also explained that

unrest amorg these natives had resulted from inactivity and social
tension between them and other groups.



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