
R. E. Hollingsworth


MAY 1 4 1973

In accordance with usual functions, the Division of Operational Safety
is undertaking the development of recommendations described above in

conjunction with the Divisions of Biomedical and Environmental Research,

Environmental Affairs, Military Application, and Waste Management and
Transportation. Field office, laboratory, and contractor assistance
will be utilized. Federal health and environmental agencies, including
the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Health, Education,
and Welfare, will be consulted. Judgements and recommendations will be
limited primarily to radiological considerations and will include:

the feasibility of making the Eniwetok Atoll radiation environment
safe for return of the native population, including areas immediately adjacent to islands that could be used for food production;


cleanup and disposal actions, including specific numerical guidance;


specific recommendations on agricultural rehabilitation, land and
land use, use of local foods, other dietary considerations, and
housing construction, as these will modify the radiological situaticn and contribute to as low as practicable exposures; and


followup requirements and plans.

These recommendations will be transmitted to the DOD and DOI. The
Atomic Energy Commission plans to assess the radiological situation
of the atoll during and following DOD and DOI cleanup and rehabilitation.
The Department of Defense is responsible for conducting and for funding
cleanup operations but has no funds budgeted for this purpose in fiscal
year 1974, It is to be noted that the DOD proposes to conduct the Pacific
Cratering Experiments (PACE) prior to cleanup.
Recommendations for radiological aspects of cleanup and rehabilitation
of Eniwetok Atoll are to be developed by November 1, 1973. Upon Commission
approval, these recommendations will be transmitted to DOD and DOI.
The Division of Military Application will prepare a letter to DOD and
DOI informing them of steps AEC plans to follow in developing its recommenda
tions. The Divisions of Biomedical and Environmental Research, Environ-

Select target paragraph3