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‘Vitae alter oxpmmiate (caret

Viguie U5. ‘Time of appearince of thyreid lesions in
Marshallese. Expaned atawe SOM. lectebeiey +. Magalige
nant Exposed ate 1G: @, beats a tidignaat,

View read cheat cpacdss

Figure 44. Tncidence of benign thyroid tchales.

paruy related to the smaller contribution ta the

close from short-lived isotopes of iadine, Neverthe:

less the Ana Arbor children in’ Elempelaana’s
studs!" had an increased incidence of thyroid tue
mors follawing a mean dose of only JU rads to the

gland (Figure 44). and more recently Modan et

al and Harleys coal!!!) have reported atnincreased incidenceof thyraid tumors in chiklren

who had received about 6.3 rads ta dhe thyroid

gland during x-ray treatment af the scalp for tungus infecuon, Modan etal. state that “one would
stranudy suspect a mune pidemic of thy coil adenama” in the group studied, In considering the

risk data of Hempehiiann’s and Modan'’s groups.
the large clement af Jewish peaple ¢u lio have in-

creased susceptibility to thyroid: tumors) should

be kept lamind. Absa. Hempelnann’s were irradi

ated as infants and therctore represent only a thar:

TOWade Taunige.

1, Latent Period
ln Figure 45 the development of thyrotd abnor.

iualities is plotted according to radiaion dese and

development of radiation-induced thyroid tumors.

Theroid cancer bas been reported as long as 40
vears after radiation exposure. 14
Correlation with sex showed tbat slightly: mare
exposed Rongelap females (18 of 45) developed

thyroid lesions than did wales (11) of at). AY chree

cases of cancer of the thyroid were tn females,
Vhe chyreid gland is geaerally thought to be
Inore sensitive to radiation ducing childhood,bet
Pochin? ™ estimates a percent incidence per 10U
rads of (<5 te 1.0 for adults and 1.3 foe children.
Certainly the largest number of benign lesions ov
curred in the Abarshallese children. Phas ts prab-

ably due mainiy ta the smadiier size ofthe thyroid
wlands resulting in kirger doses per gram of gland.

Doniach?*" theorizes that thyroid tumors are produced by aa initiating factor (radbation) plus a
prowmeting factor CUSED) which dicreases mitosis

and colances the expression af a possible matiz-

nant clone. In addition, in clalceen the qroweh

tector nay be iniportaat. since ab maturity the thy.
roid weighs abet JO tines as much as at birth.
‘Vhese factors would increase the chances for mae
livraat trasfortsation. Phe lower meidenee of

cancer ot the thyroid io children thar cp achalts
tay be rebated te the lack of dase dependences of

Hone aller exposures the Latent period appeses to

The carcrogonie cleat af radianan at high doses.

be honger with lower deses. Figures 44 and 47 show


the celitionship between dose and age at devel-

ob raetation (both x gays scacl ravdicdecdine ) ae case

opment of thy raid lesions. Vhese data indicate that
the radiionsanduced lesions occur at earlier ages
in the exposed Rongehip people than inthe Curik
oe imexposed yroups. Tn the lather groupes salient
albthe thyreid nedulirites develop in the older
people. Recent data of Elem pelosi oo al ine

dheate that whe latent period may be > 30 years for

binvestivators lave slioowo thaw highs dlases

with a lower incidence of abroad madi.
aaney chan lower doses, pessibly because the binh

doses praduce cnonuuh cell destruction te prochide

malivnant tansformatiqn Seles ln opis
mav be the case with Mirshallese children. This
been noted that lollawing treatment of bypertivraisin with large doses af radioiodine, although

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