ess (attributed to increased dictary bodine in

hike)! Phe main purpose of the later study, haw.

ever, Was losce whether the exposed individuals

in the intermediate age group might be developing Uiyroid failure despite the absence of thyroid
hocules: its resulis indicated no evidence for this.

in 1974, as deseribed below.

how showing evidenee of redaccd fume tian oa the

3. Thyroid Status of Exposed Rongelap People
Without Apparent Thyroid Lesions

(awever, as discussed below, some exposed Kane
uclop people without lived abnoraialies are
basis of response ta PSE stinmulatien.)
Kadivitauatmcassays CLA) for Ty and TSH

have been carted out sipee 1972 on the exposed
Rongelap croup and on other people who have
had thyroid surgery. Phe results on subjoets with
knows thyroid lesiqus ace presented in Table 27,

OH the 2 subjects tested. 17 of 3.50 Tad at lease

ane VST Jevel above the upper limits of norinal
(these are in bobdfiace a Pable 27). Vhese findings
Hidieate thatthe residual thyroid tissue is inadequate tosustula cothseeddism in Uhese cases and
abo aefleet inadequate adherence te the pres
wtibed Vy replacement regimen. Liadeqiuaate VP,
replacement is apparently a chrome problern for
corttin patients (Nas. 3, 24, 45.605. and 721, Elevilions of plastia PSE) have been abser ed alse
Ina huimber of exposed peaple without known
Hivcoid lesions (the USED Conceutration wits D> 10

RU aaboaly a subyects Now Tb and 7a = sco Table
Void Appeadis ty. Presatiibly these subjects,
aswell as several others with plasma US Hl con
contrition 225 but Ob oml (Nos. 4.16, 34,
Voda Fe. re et recaraigg the Py therapy

ms reguiarly as hod been boped. Ta dhe Rongelap
comtiel group plasma Py comecutrations were dee
feremined i TOG suibajeets. Tn those with Py <5 peg/
Gp O° al thiose tested) UST] was determined: ae
elevated fovels were found: (datas net shown), Only

PotOO Utirik sabjeets tested bias bad ins clevated

seraia UStt devel (Ne. 22825.

These notinal tindings in the unexposed and
Uiirtk groups suggest thatin the inradiated Ron.
gelip grogp there is dapatced thyroid function
Withow! palpable lesions which could became
sviiptoniiiie ithe farare. Vhe test results prob.

In preparation for TSU) testing of reserve thyroid function, prophylactic Vy tiedication wass dis-

continued for 2 months before the 17d survey in

all exposed subjects without recagnieed lesions,

During the survey, plasiia samples were obtained
before and 24 he after intramuscular injecion of

10 unis of bavine (PSE (Thyrotropar, Armour,
Both sets were analyaed for Ty and the first set

also for TSED Vhe results, and thyeroxine- binding
Wlobulin-bindinig capacities CP BG-binding capaci
lies) insame cases, are given in Table 28. The mean
increment in plasma Py followiig VSPb was 2.35 =
L2 pg dl Qniean 2 SD). Phe mean Ty prior to
VSD D injection was 6.02 0.7 yeu di. Similar teste
on 1d subjects atthe University of Piteburgh
showed a mean increment in plisma Vy of 4.7
Lage db and a baseline plasma Ty of 7yg dl
which is not significantly different from cia ofthe
exposed Rongelap group being tested. Thus, the
Ty response to USL is significantly less (<< 0.001)
iW this wreaup af 26 expescd Rougebip subjeets than
inthe group of Ls subjects frome the United States.
Secauec ab the possebility Chat che sanaller aver:
ment in plasawa Py 2b he afier Psi in the exposed
subjects was duc to factors other thaa deercased
thyroidal reserve. TSED stinvularion tests were
done on LO cuthvraid uaesposed Rongelap and
Ciiik people during a subsequent survey. Vhe
near initial plasuaa Ty in this group was 0s 1.7
fe dis and the mean increment 2b he after PS
yccuor was 42 bya dll. significantiv greater
(P<COL0KE) than in the exposed subjects.
These results and the finding of clowated phasis

TST} levels suuaest that there is underlying, ¢lini-

af impaired thyroid function, since presumably

cally dhapparent thyroid damage i the ox pased
Rongclap population, While itis conceivable that
the “Vy replacement prograa may have led to de-

directed. Te shold be noted thatitis the peesanal

need for continued close follow-up of the es posed

ably least te underestimation of the true incidence

Hoan of the paticuts are taking Ube medication as

creased thyroid resceve, the test results indicate a

pee ee ee

Ai tates ee TRRSG t

«Puy ee


creasing thyroid iodine uptake as du North Aimere

experience of many of the thyroidologists involved
in this studythat it is extremely difficult ta make
a clinical diagnosis of hypothbyraidism in this population. This difficulty emphasizes the iinportance
of the plasma TSE! measurement, which is now
recognized as the most sensitive indicator af primary thyroid dysfunction. Vhe status of thyroid
function in expascd people without apparent divs
roidlesions was further tested with exogenous PSI


who had been exposed at age 10 to 20 years, gave
results sainilar te (hose obtained in bbs. Thus
the Rongclapese do not showa trend toward de-

ae Be at


Select target paragraph3