
J 1905, the seriousness of the development of

Vayreid lesions in dhe Rongelap people was recog:
nized, and a panel of experts was called together
loceviewthe findings and make recommendations
tegarding the passibility af initiating preventive
therapy! 24 Phe concensus was that the more
heavily exposed Rengelap group should be placed
ob epiicement Unyraxine for lle sn order ta tre 4
SED secretion by the pituiary ghind, bt was
Raped that nullifying the stanutanig aciivity of
this losin onthe thyroid would ailabit devel.
opment of benign adh matigiant nedules, acd


Haat geowal snd development te the hota

detcient children would be riproved. Phe passt

lite af development of pituitary tumors, whieh
his bern noted ia hypothyroid woinals®? aod hue
dian betas. ight be prevented.

Etlieal cons

siderations ruled out randomized dinical trials of

Syuthede t-thyraxine (Svathroud, Flint Drug
Cra.) which aight be mare stable than dessicated
thvroid ander trapieal coucitivns, wis recom.
mended ata dase af (os ig, dav for peaple od
sears of age and O.2 aig /day for those > 0. VreatHint wats supervised by the denleh aide, lat dit.
culties i inaintaniig a strictly rewular treaties

Figure 37. Same comparison as in Figure Mi,
for subject No. J and bis younger brother (No. #4)

regimen soon became apparent. Enoan effort to

overcame this problem it was found that giving

the entire weekly dose at one time was etlective
and safe, and resulted in maintenance of aormal

fevels of thyroxine"? Even on this simplified treat.

ment schedule a few of he peaple, iieluding same
whe had undergone thyeatdectoay, showed law
thyroxine levels indicating that they were nat cote
wstonthy taking the medication, CPhis wis ane of
the reasons dur establishing the post of resident
plvsiciau tothe Istands in BU 2 re mentor the
tritiaent programas well as other healih care.)

Foe 1 people aathis regimen who developed above.

hormal Vy levels, awociited with comptabiis of

nervousness and pulpitatasn. the dose wa reduced,

Tn view of the recent appearance of thyroid nod:

ules wong dhe Nilingaae group and ina subject

exposed aeuters. all persons exposed on the atoll
are now diebuded inthe treatuent progran.
The hormone therapy has unquestionably enhanced growth and development is the wrowt le
retarded Rongelap children (Figures 21. 36, and

47 show the taiprovement in dhe two niost stunted

Figuie 3G. feft: Subject Naw S$ (shortens and his vounger

Voccthwer (Noo Uo b aan 1Mb, Beek: Sac two bays in 1974
alee Nooo had been given thread horde for i years.

bows. However. the benetit of such treatnent re:
garding development of nodularities inthe thyroid
uncertain. OF the children exposed at age < 10
yearn in the more highly exposed Rongelap greup,
ouly twe have not developed lesions. The less ex-

poscd Ailinggroup, in whieh development of

Select target paragraph3