these expescd at age 5. Vhe effect was more

dividuals >40 yeurs old have revealed the cardiac
changes expected with aging: arteriosclerosis heart
disease with occasional cardiac decompensation,
Auricular fibrillation has been noted in a few |
people; rheumatic heart disease in only two.
Peripheral vasular discases (thrombophlebitis,
peripheral venous Giscase, hemorrhoids) appear to

shawed similar trends. Subsequently, the extent of

studies showed peripheral pulses to be exceptionally good, even in older people and in diabetics

(achult) statures and weights, measured at age 21
— ar older, of subjects exposed to radiation al age
17 indicated that those exposed in Hirashima



altained a imean height markedly lower than nor.
inal and what the devree of retardation diminished

with increasing ave al exposure, being greatest in

prominent is boys. Vhe preliminary tobulations
af growth data ia the Marshallese children!649

be Jess common than in Americans. Oscillumetric

the thyroid injury dacunented in the Marshallese

Gee below), Nu !ueiic, metabolic, or nutritional

forin of heart disease has been seen.
tion that growth retardation rellegted prumarily ae
2. Arthritis
the results of diipaiied the roid fuacion. [eis an
hetpated that when adult inal) anthropometric
Many Marshallese > 40 vears of age complain
lacasurements become available, fardher evalus:

of joint svinptutas in the acts and legs and to a

tion of the growth pattern of the Marshallese children (including further assessment ad the cllect of

lesser extent in the lower back. Many, particularly

the older ones, have complained also of vague
muscle pains in the arms and legs. Some older

thyroid hormone administradan) will be posible.


been given to signs of agiig and tothe incidence

af cardiovascular discases, arthritis, and other dee
generative disciases,
1. Cardiovascular Diseases
Cardiovascular diseases appear to be no more
prevalent anion the Marshallese thai in Aaericanoer other populations, and no dilcrence was

found between their incidences in the exposed and

Whesposed groups. Ely pertension appears to be

sonebat bess prevalent amony the Marshallese
Lit among Niierigana, Blood pressures >> 140,00

have been recorded in only about 9% of te people,

and the increasing percentage of older people in
the study groups does nod sccm ta have raised the

incidence of ivpertcnsion. Mianof the younger
people. particuharty females. have notably lower

blood pressures (0-100/55-04), he generally

lower blood pressures in the Marshatlese have been

thoaght to be related to lower dictary salt) ins
take but the wradually increasing use of im-

ported foods of greater salt content has caused no

apparcet increase in lvpertensioa, Serum sodiuns

aud patassiiais levels have usually been in the nore

mab range. Routing chest s rays aad ECG"s on ine

De ae a ee ee

plaints do not have definite bone ch anges. Arthritis

sects no fore common in the exposed than in the
wnex posed population. and ils veneral incidence
does not dilfer greatly from tbat among Amerie
cans. Rhcuntated arciritis has rarely been scen.
Exaiminanoan of the sera for “rheumatic factor”
. gave posidive results in only a few cases (3 of 194
tested in 1959)"

3. Nephrosclerosis

Primary kidneydiseas - has not been noted frequently, but aephrasclerpsis has occasionally been
seen complicating cardiovascul.u disease,
4. Aging
Radiationin sublethal doses may reduce longevity in animals and man. loduction of malignant
transformation is wel. documented and accounts
fur most of the carly deaths, However, develop.
ment of premature senescence with associated depenerative discases and imunodeticicncy, as a

late elect of ex posure,is also believed to account for
sone degree oflife shortening in animalts.4¢4" For
humans, define proof of such eifects is lacking,
the only ducumented life-shortening effect being
related to malignancies“)! Jy the Japanese bomb

survivors, the correlationof life-shortening with

Fe ey aed ee ee

an ade
. 1
. cd

ratiated aniuiis have shown neresses bath in
general aging phenomena and in such diseases;
therefore, in these studies careful consideration has

sary for cooking over open fires. NX rays show many

of the above complaints to be assaciated with
ostcuardiritic Changes; but any people with cou.


The aging process is accompanied by an ine
creased incidence of devenerative diseases, andir-

women develop marked kyphosis in the lower
thoracic-lumbar region which may be related
partly to the squatting or stooping position neces-



chikleen provided the hoists for the prescat assurnps










Select target paragraph3