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Ganpaiion af Pediatr Groupe 2
No. feta

Aur al cApmmue, 41
Kesieelap group

bu 1%
fa uters
oNalinngiiae greauge
Vresposedd group
Hoon te Pb. Lb
Mheonsy LEG LONE











skeletal development Cleft hand and wrist) wis

Wibod. |) and systematic dea usncitadon of athe
thropotetric data was started. “The documents.
thon was continued ducing the succeeding exams

3. Growth Stotus

laterpretation of the anthropometric data and
avessmcnt af the growth atatus of the exposed
Rangelap children have been complicated by (a)

radia’ on injury tothe thyroid gland, (b) partial
or tetal thyruidectusies in the children whe developed thyruid neoplasia, and (¢) the administra.

Gon of thyroid horanone, to the entire exposed Kons
uclap population since September 1965. If the

nations on subjects comidered to be i ue growths
phase (generally Uhreugh age 20). Vhe cata ree
corded regularly (oaluded standing heat (state

dlata on the three children (Nos, 3. 3, and 63) who

ure), body weight. head chreundercence, head
width, dead lenuth, chest cireuisference, bie
acrornial width. and calf circumference, ana spare
racheally included sitting height, chest width, chest
depihy and buttocks cireuiicrence, (see Appen-:
clin 7.4
The development of secondary sex characters
bues was qualitatively assessed according to the
sLandrd criteria generally gecepted ins growth
studies (Greubc tet ab. Shuttleworth 3). Such


procedures inehided the staging of breast devel-


in Section 1V. The other physical findings, which
have been carefully tabulated in the individual reports for each survey,indicate no definite pauern
of abnormalities that would differentiate the exposed children from the unexposed comparison
children. The usual spectrumof infectious and
noninfectious diseases, congenital anomalies, and
physiolagical variations has been noted in both exposed and unexpased children,

opment in ginks: estimation of the type, pattern,
and auiountof body hair (facial. pubic, axillary,
cle and staging of the growth of penis and totes
in bows.

Duriag several cxaminations, plates

wistpliie dloviaineniation was done as portale the

Jawan ab grow ib stats acl pits siquie.

Vhe socntgcnographic evaluation of skeletal
dovelopineut was dene by the Thapes tional teehee
nique af Geeulieh and Pydet! aad the Ninericsan
standhareks ware tiscd for canipar isan,

2. Physical Findings
Vhe carly post-oy posure cssnatiations indicated

Tet the voutwer childeen, in geacnal minifeied
Hore extebsive and more severe radiation injury

were obviously hypothyroid and had markedly
salt body measurements are excluded, compansoos of mcan stature and skeletal age indicated no
stulistically significant diterence between the ex-

posed and unexposed children fur cither bovs or

(aanpared with American norms, the incan

skeletal ages at given chronological ages for each

group were, for ubesxpescd girls, quite similar, but

for unexpesed buys, thes appeared to be delaved

by 6 te 7 months at cach chronological age.
Earlier preliminary compa: isons had suggested
that bays expased at age <5 sean were retarded
it statural yrowih compared with unexpused bows,

The current alalvsds excludes those with a spectic
disagnonis oth poths roidisan Phe individual grow th
and dev clopoieat carves for 14 children ea posed

at ave OJcd their Controls ate shown in Figures

2) anal 22. Vhe etfect of thyroid treatment on the
two bows (Nas. Sand d)is evident. Several other
children (Nos. 2. 14.05, 42) had a tendeney to
ward retarded development. which nav have been
Ruproved by thyroid niecdication,
On the dchildien exposed crater, caretal exam
dnatiotas Pave resulted an ter uaaiisual polis sient fine.
ings. The growth pregress af tof them bas been
sbetnibaer tar ubiat ol ace peers (see Table Lo), One

than the older children and adulis. Pollowtag recoveryfrom the acute clfece of radiation, the overall physical status of the children appeaced to be

Vers Qa 8) has had a head circumference
siballer than the average for unespescd males and
asbahily retarded pacern of skeletal ataturation,

thyroid albnocualivies, which are discussed below

that of unexponed males.

nocnal cxerpt for the subsequent development af

but his statural growth curve was comparable with


2 oy ken ee


ae oe ee


“Talabe 15

Select target paragraph3