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Figure 19. Section of skin from heta-burn area on back of

neck of Heyear-old waman (Na 34) at 10 veans alter ex.

Figure 17. Porsisting depigmented areas, 6 months
aher cspenuin, in ates of teat severe bets!

posuce (1U00e }. Nate atrephyaf epidermis with narrow.
ing of steatuin yranulosad and fingerlike projections of

rete pews, Slight atrepiy of the sweat gland ducts is alee
present tt

Figure 88. Piginented nevuslike lesions in prevunus
beta-Lan area of new k (subject No. 7H). U

Fieure 15. Bar lesien healed. 6 months
after cxpeeure, with cousider abide wirting.*

the neck regions chat sustained severe beta burns

suggests What the devclopmeat of benign lesions may
have been enhanced by the skin ex posure (ee Figure 20), Possible cocarcinedenic factors such as the
aliraviolet radiation io trapical sunlight and skin

irritation from coral, iui, and infections may
moder the development of maligaant changes inthe
shinnore bhely, but the dark piguicatstion should
olor some protocdon, as i has been shown that

skin cuicer is less prevalent among Neyrocs,

Routine aphthalmological examinations (inclading funduscopic) have been included in the
regular physical evaminations af both the exposed


and unexposed populations, Ta addition, special
examinations for possible eifccts of radiation on

the eves have been done at intervals by aphthalmnalogists accompanying the medical team, first ia

Mav 1954 (2 months after the accident) and thea

in 1955, 1956, 1957, 1998, 1959, 1962, 1964, 1907,
197i. and lo72, The routine examinations include
testing of vision, accommodation, muscle balance,
and pupillary reactions; external examination;

and funduscopy. Vision is tested with the Suellen
chart and the E-chaet when nevessary. Tntraocular
tension has been measured when indicated, and
color vision has been tested on several occasions.
Special examinations have included slit-lamp and
fundus phowgraphy. As part of the aging studies
quantitative changes in certain eve characteristics

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