dliation, but the caustic nature of the fallout may
have contributed,

The GAL symptoms in the Rangelap people
consted of anoresia and nausea (in about pwor

thirds of thea) and toa lesser extent of vomiting

wad diarrhea (in one-teath of (hear), Only a few
inthe Ailingnae group complained of these symp.

toa, and ne one in the Rongerik and Utirik
groups. ‘The gama exposure is thought to have
bern sufficient to account for the GE ssniptonas,
but the ingested radioactive material (estimated

atabour SanCip may have contibuted, The GI.

svinplowns were mate prevalent inthe Rongelap

children (see “Fable ip Uhese svenptonis Listed

only alas bwordiys ans bad hargely dosppearcd
by the tiie the people arrived at Re ajaleina,

b. Depression of Blood Elements.

“Vhe carly

hematological findings anal the Hadings in sate
sequent years are presentcd a tabular form in

Appendix 6 and graphicallyin Section PC, Phe

carly findings are sumanarized bere and the later
ones in Section TLC,

One of the earliest findings in the Marshallese

14 rads, it was possible to distinguish slight platelet
depresion inthe group as a whole. The smaller
groups on Ailingnae and Rongerik showed peripheral bload levels between thuse of the high and
low exposure groups, The hematolagical depression was thought io be due entirely to gamma

radiation, since it was not considered likely that
the dose from internally absorbed radionuchdes
contributed toit significantly. The hematological
depression was greater in the children, particularly those exposed at <5 years of age (see Table 5).
Vhe changes are chuimerated belowin more detail.

dampheprnia Wo about hall the level of the com.
pariou Miushallose populahon was evident when
the Rosgclip peaple were first examined 3 days
after exposure. Juchildien <3 vears of age the
Isanphocvies dropped ta 29% of the level of the

comparison children but showeda slight rise dur-

ing the following weeks. The lymphocvte levels

showed a slight increase by one vear.
Veutrapdil levels showed considerable fluctuation
during the first month, possibly related to the
prevalence of beta burns of the skin during that

197 Wik people who received only an estimated

period, Neutrophil depression became evident by
to 6 weeks post exposure, the level dropping ta
about half the control level in adults andslightly
lower in children aged <4 (Table 5). Neutrophils
recovered more sapidly than Iwinphocytes and
reached near control levels by one vear.
arly plateat counts showed less fluctuation
than other blood counts and decreased to about

Table 4

of recovery to about 73% of control levels occurred

Rdicative of significant exposure teas laweriag of
leukocvte and platcler fevels in the peripheral
blood. “Vhis was most marked ia the 64 people on
Re vsanedisg> ws leer bined received 175 rads and bess so
Lother groups rooriviig lows exposure. “Phe hen

peactic depression was roughly proportional to the
ganna dose of cadiadiou received, Even in the

during the next few weeks, fallawed by slower

Nustanee cate Vaneau in Wea lage Citeaape?

recovery with mean levels never exceeding 40 ta

fiwcibera an,
Aur ateapesaie, v6








Meson Bleed Cares at Peak Depress an
a HMessuelays ( teens

Percent af coated
Age Do




Lov traphenss tes



tO eee eee

4° of control levels during the first vear. The
platelet count is probably the most sansitive index
af the severity of radiation exposure in the subFeedrsad raurnager,
fa trofendic depression has not been a consistent
finding, and radiation ctlects on these cells have

net been demonstrable by peripheral blood count,

“Par lelee +

Awe <0

SO of control levels by the fourth week, A spurt

Morpholopiwal changes, Ducing the period when
HCUlrepenia Was iast severe, same people were
found ta hase peculiar manos tie leukuoevies that
were thought to be darge leaaphoevtes. These cells
were not found: subsequently, although an ov.
casional binucleated IWwinphoeste was acen,

«. Clinical Findings. “Vhe developiient of significant depression of peripheral blood leukocytes

aod platelets during the first G weeks was cause for

considerable apprehension among the medical

Select target paragraph3