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Virwsiber papatace tad


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During the carly period after the fallout, radio-

iodine was recognized as possibly ots must hazardgus constituent, but the estimated dase to the

gland of [OG ta 150 rads was nat considered sulficient to cause later development of thyroid abhotialities, No acute effects were nated in any of
the people that could be related Lo the internal
absorption af radiiadines ur other cadiaisutapes,
Contamiuiation of the akin resulting im extensive


Gal aiivecs af urine saniptes, begining 1 dvs
mesteapeeure, for hr, i BA dhe rane carih
wieeup. canal fissile quaterial, As espected, the

Kenuedape people had the lighest bods tarcdetus,

Wy Gomonths, beta achoaty da the urine vatipeles
was barely detectable. Table SJ sbows the again

ieerterpars Fouatnab at chaos 1 (eatrapolateal satues) anal
wichay B22. Phe agreement latween the tivcinys at
Hie two laboratories is clase considering the tech-

Diques available al that Gene. Levels an the ling:
hac geaaip were about ane hall aoc in the Aimer:

ins about one-quarter the levels inthe Rongelip
yroup. Oly isatepes af iodine, strontiuni, bari,

wil a few rare carth clements were absorbed to
any significant degree. lathe Kongelap group, at

dhav Ur and MO wore near the shasimuain per.
Thisssble levels, aackthe esauiied total anseunt of
Padioacive aialerial ia the wastrointestiaal tract


Vatinated Todds Hareen (ai) of Rongelap People?

fan te ke

food and water (see Appendix °C). Otherinternally
absorbed isotopes (see Table 3} were not thought
to be significantlyabsorbed by the thyroid and
probably contributed lithe 10 the dose to that
gland, Conversely, the radiaiodines contributed
only slightly to the whole-body radiation dase,


44 SOBee Agta


lata burs ib the neck region a cG0° of the people

(ace Figure 2) probably did not contribute to the
thre) dene because of the low cavegy of the beta
rachation. Possibly alight absarpiuon of radio
jodines theough the shan occurred,
When the people returned to Rongelap to live
121497, no radioactive isotopes of iodine remained
(eacept possibly very slight amount of 790), and
Vie principal remaining wotopes (3'Cs, !'Sr),
which were absorbed tu low levels in the people,

probably did net contribute tw any signifieaat

degree tothe thyroid dose.4
Wher thy roid lesions began develauping in the

Rongelap children da fig, the dose to the thyroid

of the Kongelap people was reevaluated by
James28 His estimates of the gaming dow agreed

Approatmatcly with the previous estimate of 175

Voabet boaCi; whether this had any celition to

the canqastratitestinal ss pions ie ot known?
Rivdiolowical monitoring af personnel and environ
tov at Reagelap and other atolls ia sulsequcne

years is dim uased an Secnon Vb
5. Thyroid Dosimetry
Whe fallout produced several possible squrces of
tadhation caposuie tothe thyroid gland, The gaan

uHopes ace produced in relatively bigh vickls by
the fission process, Soame aire to short-lived te be
af consequence, bat Pn CED Peg aad Map age
sullciontly dong-beved to cause a considerable che

tothe thyroid following internal absorption and

concentration i dhatwhasd, and these were abe
sarbedt oth via tobiatatin aock ei bigestiags iy



Vigure 2. Heta bugis (Afaech 2b 10).

Nw ee or er NE ate ee i

ee ee ee

mi Cadiation resadted bn tharoicl doses of £77) raabs
Hothe Ranyebip people, olf iads io the Aviacsa
peoples anal Pb rads nthe Grartk eens. bode



Select target paragraph3