Human Being,


Lyi at 1 day



3 Hematologic effects, distinct mild pancy-

topenia - an incrementof a few 0.1’s of Gy -

would have placed people of Rongelapin
the lethal range.

4 Residual hematologic effect detectible for

1.016 (ugm)

many years, particularly lymphocytes and

5 Skin lesions prevalent - mild to ulcerative contribute to
‘ht reside on
-u and *4!Am.

‘© dose; Sr,
ss than 5%.
ld be in the

‘rves for the
inae, Utirik
Phere is no
$e Exposed

is a Slightly

due to fallout on skin. No late effects
observed as of 1993.

6 Thyroid disease - hypothyroidism and thyroid tumors - are the major long-term effects.
7 One case of acute myelocytic leukemia,
probably due to the exposure to 1.9 Gy
8 The Marshallese population is the most
intensively and carefully studied population
exposed to whole body ionizing radiation.
They have been examined every 6-12
monthsfor 40 years.



This research was supported by the U.S.
Department of Energy under Contract DEAC02-76CH00016.
re of coral
nduced in
by whole



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