on Human Being,




about one-fourth of the Marshallese experi-

enced itching and burning of the skin and some
burning of the eyes with lachrymation. Nausea.

vomiting and diarrhea occurred in some

Ronechipese. Tite American military person-

5.49 53 57 61

65 69

for the Rongelap.,
opulation at time
osed groups.

astic leukemia
died in 1972.
sure to 1.9 Gy
. One case of
1€@ COMparison

> fallout’on
‘nsive. It was
gertk. It was
“st two days,

nel on Rongerik experienced these symptoms to
u lesser degree. They were aware of the danger. took shelter in the aluminum buildings,
bathed and changed clothes thus greatly reducing the development of skin lesions. On the
ninth exposure day, when the medical team
conducted extensive physical examinations,
there was no evidence of injury to the skin. The
temporal sequence in development of skin
lesions and epilations is shown in Figure 10.
About two weeksafter exposure in the higherdosed group from Rongelap, loss of hair and
hyperpigmentation of the skin appeared. During
the early stages of development of the cutaneous lesions, itching. burning and slight pain
were experienced. With deeper lesions more
severe pain was present. The most painful
lesions were those on the feet. In the early

stages the cutaneous lesions were characterized by hyperpigmented macules, papules or
raised placques. They wereinitially small and
later tended to coalesce and the larger lesions
developed a dry, leathery texture. The pigmented stage of the superficial lesions wasfollowed by dry, scaly desquamation which
preceded from the centerof the Jesion outward.

leaving a pink to white thin epithelium. As the
desquamation proceeded outward, a characteristic appearance of a central depigmented area
fringed with an irregular hyperpigmented zone





was seen. Repigmentation began in the central

area and spread outward over a period of many
weeks and ultimately. the skin returned to a
relatively normal appearance.
A Tew more serious lesions were seen on the

scalp. neck and feet and in one case on the ear.

They were characterized by transepidermal necro-

sis with wet desquamation resulting in crusting
ulcerative lesions. Blisters were only observed
on the feet which developed rather large bullae. A
few of the lesions on the feet became infected,
requiring local antibiotics. Al] lesions healed
within about two weeks. Six months after exposure, the skin had returned nearly to normal and
by one year pigmentation changes wereslight.
In addition to the lesions of the skin. a bluishbrown pigmentation of the fingernails became
evident on the 23rd post-exposure day. As the
nails grew out. the pigmentation moveddistally
and was not evidenta year after exposure.
Epilation was correlated with ulceration of
the scalp in most instances and thus was primarily due to beta and low energy gamma irradiatron. Regrowth of hair in all individuals
commenced during the third month after expoSure and at six months there was regrowth ofhair
normal in color, texture and abundance except
in the man that had the severe burn ofthe ear.
Therapy of Cutaneous Lesions
In general. treatment was nonspecific. The
superficial lesions were treated with calamine
lotion with 1% phenol which relieved the itching
and burning. In a fewinstances, pontocaine ointment was used to control the symptoms. During
the period of desquamation and oozing, the
lesions were washed daily with soap and water
and aureomycin ointment was applied. The bullae.
if painful, were aspirated with sterile technique
followed by a pressure dressing. One case of
ulceration was treated with parenteral penicillin
for two days. With this one exception systemic
antibiotics were not required and were not used.


Thyroid Disease

el counts at
Sears after


Fig. 10. Time of appearance of skin lesions and
epilation for people from Rongelap and Ailinginae.

Hypothyroidism —Cretinism
Two infants exposed on Rongelap became
cretins. Their thyroidal estimated dose may have
been as high as 200 Gybut morelikely was 50

Select target paragraph3