The experiment islands were the sites of various scientific and

military structures.

Scientific structures were located from informa-

tion furnished H & N by J-Division.

Military structures were located

and oriented under the direction of the Assistant Director of Program
3, Although H & N was not concerned directly in the master planning
or site planning for scientific or military structures, their locations
and relocations sometime brought about revisions in site plans prepared
by H& N,
Runit Island. The weapon tower on Runit was located at the northern tip of the long narrow island and the camp area at the southern
tip, in order to allow a maximum distance between them. There was an
existing airstrip on the center part of the island, but because it was
too short and too narrow it was rebuilt.
In rebuilding the airstrip,
its orientation was changed to allow a more favorable wind bearing.
The south tip of the island is shaped like an isosceles right
triangle and is connected to the rest of the island by a narrow strip
of land. The tent quarters were placed in two staggered rows along

the equal sides of the triangle, with an open air movie theater located

at the apex, The central area of the triangle was occupied by the mess
hall, office, and fire and first aid building. The base of the triangle

contained the power plant and repair shop; a maintenance building,

grease rack, and basketball court were located on existing concrete
pads within the area,

Aomon-Biijiri-Rojea Group.

The Aomon-Biijiri-Rojoa group of

islands lie in a northwest-southeast line. An existing causeway connected Aomon and Biijiri. Originally it was planned that Aomon was to

be the zero point for this test area.

It was also planned that, in

order to add to the land mass available for experiment purposes, the
living camp for this group would be constructed on Rojoa and a trestle
causeway would connect that island to Aomon-Biijiri. Later in the
program, due to changes in the experiments to be performed, the deci-

sion was made to move the zero point tower for this test area from

Aomon to Eberiru, the next island to the northwest of Aomon.

A canal

fill causeway connecting Eberiru with Aomon was then decided upon as
the best plan in order to provide a conduit for coaxial cable lines as
well as a traffic artery.

Because the existing airstrip on Biijiri was poorly surfaced and
too short, a new strip was constructed adjacent to it and parallel with
it on a site where grading had been started by an Army maintenance
The camp site on Rojoa was placed on the side of the island

favored by the prevailing breeze.

The tent quarters were placed in

four staggered rows parallel to the shore, and other camp facilities

were grouped behind and downwind from the tents.

Engebi. The original tower site for the "E" program was at the
western apex of Engebi, an island whose shape is roughly that of an


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