support and drone plane operations, Original plans for aluminum building quarters for all personnel were changed to plans for semi-permanent

aluminum buildings for 660 and a tent camp for approximately 200 short-

stay personnel, Periodic increases in military personnel followed
until ultimately the tent camp had been expanded to accommodate 2220
persons. With the semi-permanent buildings, housing was provided for

approximately 2880 people.

At the cutset of the planning of this site it was anticipated that
the planning, designing and construction of all buildings, utilities,
and facilities on Eniwetok would be performed by Holmes & Narver personnel; however, at a meeting held at JTF-3 Headquarters at Washington,
D. C., on January 30, 1950, it was decided that the construction labor
would be performed by a military Construction Battalion with the assistance of designated Holmes & Narver supervisory personnel.
Eniwetok Island, the longest and the second largest island of the
Atoll, lies in a northeast-southwest direction, The northeast half of
the island is narrow, but the southwest half widens out considerably.
This widening allowed for extensive development of the existing runway
so that it could function well as the Atoll's air terminal and as base
for drone plane operations, For the same reason, the freight receiving
area was located on this part of the island,
The existing communications facilities, operated by the Signal Corps
and located near the center of the northeast half of the island, were
retained. They remained in operation until the new facilities were
built and ready for use.
The Loran station, added to the program at a later date and designed according to Coast Guard criteria, was located on the northeast
tip of the island, To insure efficiency of operation of these facilities, no other installations were planned in the vicinity of the independent transmitter or Loran stations, and the area extending from the

transmitter antenna farm to the Loran stations was to remain undeveloped.

However, because of the desire of the atoll commander that one of the
two existing recreation buildings in the area be retained for its
original use, the Loran monitor antenna was located on Parry Island.
The airstrip, which was already the longest and widest on the

Atoll, was realigned to permit its extension to 7000 feet.

A drone

control ramp was centered off the west and, and arresting cables were
installed at its east end, The north side of the runway was devoted
to drone plane facilities and the south side to general airport activities,
A drone parking area, 2600 feet long, was provided at the west end
of the strip and connected to it by three taxiways, The northwest
corner of the drone parking area was designated as the drone plane

decontamination area, with personnel decontamination facilities pro-

vided close by. The new B-50 hangar and drone operations building
were located adjacent to the center of the parking area, Three


Select target paragraph3