By March 3, 1949, detailed plans and specifications had been canpleted and approved for the first 300-foot tower. The site plans for
Parry Island were finally approved on April 8, 1949, but it was August

30, 1949 before definite information was received from JIF-3 about the
requirements for Eniwetok Island and a new site plan was prepared. This

was approved October 27, 1949.

The camp site for Engebi was approved

on September 23, 1949; for Runit on October 19, 1949; and for Rojoa on
October 21, 1949. The detailed arrangement of buildings for administration and laboratories for Parry Island was developed by conferences at

both Los Alamos and Los Angeles between March 31 and May 17, 1949.


animal colony on Japtan was added and basic criteria for it received
during conferences at Los Alamos June 30, 1949. The site plan for Japtan Island to take care of the animal colony was approved August 22,1949,
With the beginning of the year 1950, the scientific program began
to take shape, and throughout the entire year either the Chief Engineer
visited Los Alamos or the J-Division representative visited Los Angeles

almost weekly.

Between visits were many phone conversations, as new

Users were included in the tests and as all Users developed their requirements, There were many and frequent changes, and the design departments were kept current by means of these meetings and conversa-


Information transmitted orally was later confirmed in writing.

The first of a series of instrumentation charts was received fran
J-Division on December 13, 1949. These charts gave the identifying

mimber, location, a brief description, the User, requirements for power,
telephones, and time signals for each station, Revised copies of these
charts were issued frequently during 1950 to reflect the current status

of these requirements.

The H & N Los Angeles office carefully checked

each new issue against criteria previously received, and any discrepan-

cles or errors were immediately discussed and resolved with the J-Divi-

sion representative. In addition to this direct liaison with the JDivision representative, H & N engineering representatives also met
with Users and JTF-3 representatives. Some of these meetings were held
at the H & N Los Angeles office; others were at Los Alamos, Chicago,
Boston, Silver Springs, Md., and Washington, D. C. Such meetings were

always with the approval and often at the request of J-Division. As
information was obtained, drawings were prepared or revised, material
take-offs made, and prints sent to Jobsite. Jobsite personnel were
kept advised of changes by teletype as information became available.

The information thus transmitted was supplemented by frequent visits
to the Jobsite by the Chief Engineer ani members of his division.
Without the interchange of ideas and the discussion of problems

which this direct type of liaison to obtain design criteria permitted,

it would have been impossible for the design and construction of faci-

lities to keep pace with the growth and development of requirements
which occurred and which had been anticipated in the initial planning
for this operation.

Select target paragraph3