The fundamentals of the philosophy underlying the development of
the Eniwetok Proving Ground as a semi-permanent AEC facility were established by the Reconnaissance Report, dated January 7, 1949. This document, which was the combined result of briefings by the staff of

J-Division (LASL), an on-the-ground survey by a team of engineers under

the direction of the H & N Chief of Operations, and consultations with
J-Division personnel on basic policy matters, set the basic pattern for
Holmes & Narver activities during the ensuing two and one-half years.
The Reconnaissance Report and the supplement issued in July 1949 not
only established the master plan for the Proving Ground, but established as well the fundamental operational philosophies which assured the
flexibility required by greatly expanded test and scientific activities.
During the meetings at Los Alamos, in late September 1948, a reconnaissance survey of Eniwetok Atoll was determined to be the wisest initial step in the development of semi-permanent proving ground. . However,
two limitations interposed. The existence of plans to carry out construction activities at Eniwetok was highly classified, and it was doubtful
that the garrison forces at the Atoll could support more than a handful
of visitors for even a short period of time.
Because of these limitations, detailed knowledge of the Project was
limited tc a small number of cleared personnel in the H & N Engineering
and Operations Divisions, and the team chosen for firsthand studies at
the site was limited to an even smaller number. Therefore the five

H & N representatives who made the trip to the Atoll (accompanied by a

representative of J-Division and two radiological safety monitors) were
chosen because of considerable experience in and knowledge of construction activities and the relevant engineering fields, including master
planning, site planning, power generation and distribution, water and
sanitary systems, surveys, air conditioning and dehumidification, soils
and aggregates, etc.

Immediately upon the completion of the September meeting, plans
were pushed as rapidly as possible for the departure of the reconnaissance team. In the meantime, assignments of Home Office personnel were
made for studies of generating equipment (both fixed and portable),
water distillation plants, prefabricated building types and availability,
and similar subjects, knowledge of which appeared to be necegsary.
The overseas activities of the team occurred during the period
October 1, 1948 through October 23, 1948. In addition to the actual
reconnaissance at Eniwetok, the itinerary of the group included conferences at CINCPAC Headquarters, Pearl Harbor, T. H.; Public Works
Office, Fourteenth Naval District, Oahu, T. H.; and Naval Operating
Base, Kwajalein. All of these conferences proved very informative and
helpful in the formulation of the engineering aspects of the over-all
pian presented in the report.


Select target paragraph3