As construction of buildings and facilities was completed, it was
necessary, aS a matter of standard practice, to have Certificates of
Completion so that a proper record could be maintained of completed
facilities and their official acceptance for use. Forms for these
certificates were designed and put into use late in 1950 but did not
receive camplete acceptance and general official use until early in
After representatives of the Engineering Division, the Construction
Divison, and the AEC had made a preliminary check for omissions and
variances, the Certificate of Completion, Form No, 0/S 198, was filled
out for each facility or building, except those on Eniwetok Island, for
which Form No, 0/S 199 was used. These certificates listed the building or facility identification, drawings, date of completion, and the
page number of the Continuing Property Report upon which the building
or facility was shown. Incomplete items, equipment not yet installed,
and other omissions or variances were noted on the reverse side. For
as-built drawings, for specifications, and for buildings or facilities
for which specifications were furnished by the Military, Form No,
O/S 274 was used. Three copies of each Certificate of Completion and
as-built drawing were delivered to the AEC,


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