deemed necessary, He cast at least three 6 inch by 12 inch cylinders
from each structure where concrete was placed and no less than six
eylinders from each 100 cubic yards of concrete placed in any one
building at any one time,
In addition to the more routine duties outlined above, the Test-

ing Laboratory was called upon from time to time for assistance in the

accumulation of data required by the many agencies interested in the
Proving Ground. Thus, for example, in connection with the Military
Structures Program data on soil bearing values were obtained at the
direction of the AEC Resident Engineer for analysis and evaluation by
others, In addition, the Laboratory assisted in recording of results
on a series of test holes drilled in the vicinity of certain designated
Navy Structures under the supervision of the Navy representative.
Because of its importance in connection with construction requiring massive, high strength concrete, the Laboratory conducted a series
of experiments directed toward the design of high strength concrete
mixes, Results thus far obtained indicate that a 4000-pounds per square
inch specification can readily be met using local materials and that
even higher strengths may be possible,
Extensive experiments were performed to determine the effects of
sea water and brackish well water on concrete, These experiments indicated very little if any impairment of the compressive strength of
the concrete, With sea water, the action was very much like that in
high early strength cement, the concrete gaining 80 per cent of its
twenty-eight day strength in seven days.
With orackish well water,
the seven day strength was not quite so high, but the twenty-eight
day compressive strengths were equal, The 6 inch by 12 inch cylinders
used in the above experiments were cast from identical mixes, the only
difference being the source of water. However, before any absolute
conclusion can be drawn, further experimentation using water from both
sources should be conducted,
The Paving Inspector sutmitted two daily samples of the finished
paving to the laboratory for testing. This testing was conducted in
accordance with ASTM Specification D-244-49, Some of the equipment
used in the laboratory had to be improvised, and although this added
somewhat to the difficulty of testing, very accurate results were
At the close of each day's work the Resident Inspector at each
site submitted a report to the Principal Engineer in charge of the
Inspection Test Section, setting forth in detail the construction accomplished. This report explained what problems were encountered and
how they were solved or referred the problems to the Principal Engineer
for action, It included figures for the number of yards and specified
strength of concrete placed, lineal feet and size of reinforcement
steel, square feet of forms built, cubic yards of aggregate crushed,
square yards of pavement laid, and all other data pertinent to the
day's activity. A copy of this report was then passed to the


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