“General Conditions" and "Special Conditions", numerous provisions
were found to be inapplicable only after modification.
As the preparation of the construction specifications entered
the final phase, it became apparent that certain modifications to the
original criteria would be advisable. The master plan for the preparation of the specifications had contemplated that the construction operations would be segregated into sections conforming to the work performed by the various building trades, But the construction work for
scientific structures differed so radically from that required for
ordinary structures that it was felt that greater clarity would be
obtained if scientific structures were treated as a unit. Therefore
specifications for them were incorporated into a separate section
with materials and methods peculiar to these structures treated by
individual buildings, The ordinary work involved in the construction
of scientific structures was covered by references to the appropriate
specifications for the types of work.
This change in organization of specifications brought up security
considerations, It had been originally planned to keep the security
classification of the specifications as low as possible by including
no information in them as to number, extent, or location of specific
facilities, This information was clearly indicated on the drawings
and any changes in scope of work could have been expressed on them
without addenda to specifications, It had therefore been anticipated

that the specifications could be classified "Official Use Only."


the new arrangement and inclusion of building identifications and
locations made this impossible. Accordingly, the specifications for
scientific structures were put in a separate volume (Volume 4), along
with the drawing list, and classified "Secret" by the Chief Security
Officer of Holmes & Narver. The other volumes (1, 2 and 3) were

classified "Official Use Only".

As a final check upon the accuracy of the specifications,
duplicate copies of the final drafts were forwarded to Jobsite for
review by the personnel engaged in the construction operations, Transmittal was made in two increments, accompanied by memoranda from the
Chief Draftsman to the Engineering Manager, the first dated January 5,
1951, and the second February 23, 1951. Both sections were returned
from the field by March 24, 1951, and revisions suggested by the field
personnel were taken under advisement.

the specifications were reproduced,

After revisions had been made

On April 25, 1951, Holmes & Narver forwarded twenty sets of completed specifications to the Manager, AEC. Los Alamos. Volume 7

(159 nages) included Part I, "General Conditions"; Part II, "Special

Conditions"; and Part III, "Technical Provisions", Sections 1 through
18. Volume 2 (142 pages) included Section 19 through 30 of Part III,

"Technical Provisions", except for Section 28, "Scientific Structures".

Volume 3 (233 pages) included Equipment and Material Specifications
(Purchase Specifications). Volume 4 (95 pages) included Section 28
of Part III, Technical Provision, and the drawing list.


All four

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