Similar details and procedures for erection of chain link fencing
and gates were included in the specifications, Also methods and procedures for other construction problems were treated in detail in the
specifications because reference works for such jobs could not easily
be obtained at the Jobsite,
Through the courtesy of the Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District
Office, in permitting Holmes & Narver the use of their library facilities, sonsiderable data were obtained from the Department of the Army
Technical Manuals and Technical Bulletins. To supplement the construction specifications, it was decided to furnish copies of certain of
these publications to Jabsite personnel, Copies of thirty bulletins and
manuals were requisitioned, including the four publications listed


Building, Erection, Procedures, Portable,


Underground Distribution Systems (electric)


Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Evaporative


Plumbing and Pipework


(Desert) Cooling, and Ventilation

The construction specifications for facilities on Eniwetok Island
were completed by March 15, 1950, and consisted of a total of one
hundred and seventy pages. Addendum No 1, consisting of five pages,
was issued on April 20, 1950, to correct errata and to make minor
changes in the technical provisions.
It had become apparent during the course of preparation of these
specifications that the drawing list would not be complete at the time
of completion of the specifications, because some drawings would not
have been finally approved by the AEC, Rather than delay the issuance
of the specifications, it was decided to incorporate the drawing list
at a later date in the form of an appendix to the specifications.
Before the appendix could be issued, the Holmes & Narver participation in the actual construction operations at Eniwetok Island was
augmented, The revised program of May 19, 1950, increased the Holmes &
Narver construction activities to include facilities not included in
the original scope of the work, These included sewage outfalis and an
electrical distribution system, By letter dated October 13, 1950, the
Holmes & Narver construction program was further increased by the addition of the Steam Cleaning Shelter (Building No, 117 F).

Also, because

the 7th Engineer Brigade was to be assigned new duties, Holmes &
Narver was required to complete the construction of the Loran Station
(Building No. 116), Therefore, in keeping with the original planning
which restricted the Eniwetok Island construction specifications to the
coverage of facilities constructed by the Engineer Brigade and the 79th
Construction Battalion, Addendum No, 2 to the specifications, consisting

Select target paragraph3