
Monthly Report to the Commission


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a, Military Application





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Colonel Huston then reported on highlights of the

weapons development and production program, Among other

matters, he said that the Livermore Laboratory was expected
to respond soon to a request for proposals for a program to
develop reduced contamination thermonuclear weapons.

(See AEC 778/2.) Mr. Murray and the General Manager

commented on means of carrying out this program,

Colonel Huston also reported on plans for the

financing of additional storage facilities by the DOD and

on plans for future test operations, He said that it now

seemed definite that Operation DIXIE would not be held

in the fall of this year, The devices which would have
been tested then would be carried over for Operation
REDWING, which will be held in the Pacific in the spring

of 1956, A continental test planned for the fall of 1956,

Operation JULEP, would probably be held to test several
Livermore devices but none from Los Alamos, since Dr,

Bradbury did not believe that LASL could profitably participate in tests more often than once a year, Colonel Huston
said also that the MLC is interested in scheduling a one-point
detonation test at one of the future operations.

The General Manager then outlined a request received

from the Chairman of the MLC for the release of components
of several thermonuclear weapons for operational suitability
testing and maneuver. He reada draft letter responding to this

request, pointing out that the authorization of the President

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The Commission briefly discussed with Colonel
Huston effects resulting from the tests to date in Operation

would have to be obtained before the components could be
released, The Commission:

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